Build Community

“In Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.” ~ Romans 12:5-6

Good News Rooted

These groups are where you learn the foundations necessary for building your life on the reality of Jesus. It consists of a personal Bible Study component as well as key questions to use as discussion points in weekly group meetings. Rooted covers everything from Jesus being your foundation to living generously and serving others. If there is one word we would use to describe Rooted… it’s ENCOUNTER.

Good News Classes

Classes are your traditional Bible Studies. In classes, you gather with a group of people who want to dig into scripture. Classes are where you go to understand scripture and theology on a deeper level. Some classes have live teachers and others use video curriculum, but all of them involve discussion. If there is one word we would use to describe Classes… it’s LEARN.

Good News Crews

Crews are accountability groups. The focus of crews is to know and be known. Know God… Know Others! But also be known by God and known by others. Crews are same sex groups and typically consist of 3-6 people. The key component are the Crew Questions the group works through every week together. If there is one word we would use to describe a Crew… it’s KNOWN.

Good News Communities

Communities are just like crews but they are co-ed and slightly larger. In communities, you celebrate the highs and walk through the lows together. These are life on life groups where you have conversations about the Bible and how it applies to your life. Some meet weekly, while others meet bi-weekly or monthly. Again, one word we would use to describe Communities.. is KNOWN.